Things You Are Doing That Are Unintentionally Breaking Your Dog’s Heart

sad pug on the floor

No matter how hard we try to be the ideal fur mom or dad, there are many daily things we do that can result in a confused pooch. How? It's unintentional, but sometimes the things you do that affect your pooch are giving him mixed signals.

Playing with your dog's emotions isn't necessarily your fault. You may have learned some “tricks” from another owner or trainer, and whereas you thought it was a good thing for your doggy, it turns out that it isn't.

Want an example? Say if your dog loves to bark and you have a hard time stopping her from barking non-stop. A little bit of barking is typical, but a lot? So not cool. So what do you do? You train her not to bark incessantly… unless she sees other dogs. But now the poor little pooch is now confused because she's allowed to bark some of the time but not all of the time? This is just one prime example of how you may be confusing the heck out of your dog.

It turns out there are other things you have taught your dog or perhaps other actions and saying that you practice that is making your dog sad that she's disappointing you when she doesn't do something right. Some dog owners may get mad at their dog for not understanding them.

But is really the dog's fault or the pet parent's? 

It’s time to stop doing the unintentional actions that are breaking your dog’s heart, and instead, correct the things you can avoid in the future.

On the next page, check out seven common fur mom and dad actions that may be breaking your dog's heart and learn how to avoid them. You may know the first saying quite well: “Go to your room!” 

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