(VIDEO) Pugs Are Told Their Auntie is Visiting. How They React to the News? I Can’t Believe This!

pugs excited over news

If you think doggies don't understand the things we tell them, then you're very wrong!

These two adorable Pugs are in for a treat when their human tells them that a special someone is visiting them! It looks like it's going to be the highlight of the week! LOL!

What will really impress you is how they react when they learn the name of their secret visitor! It's so amazing to see how smart these Pugs are. You need to see what they do!

They know their favorite people by name! LOL! So next time you think your pooch doesn't know what you're saying, just keep in mind that it's most likely that he actually does! LOL!

Watch what happens when these Pugs hear that their favorite aunt is coming to play with them on the next page!

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39 thoughts on “(VIDEO) Pugs Are Told Their Auntie is Visiting. How They React to the News? I Can’t Believe This!

  1. O.k o.k.o.k now I believe these Pugs this breed is from another planet…I ask my Pug everyday WHERE IS THE PUG PLANET….show me, tell me….is it in ORION’S belt…..no way…there is a PUG planet I am going to find it.

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