Story of One Man’s Pug is Heartbreaking – Reminds Us That Pug Shaming is Unacceptable!

sad pug puppy

Oh no! Could it be that you might have mistakenly pug shamed a poor pooch? Don't worry. All is forgiven after learning about this man and his Pug's daily struggles. You'll be a better person for it.

For years my pug’s barks were silenced. DJ, like all lucky dogs, experienced pure happiness. Then, around the six-month mark, when he’d lost that new-puppy smell and started to develop more pronounced features and a tail that remained permanently curled, something unexpected happened: People treated him differently than the other dogs. Often, they just ignored him. Pugs, as it’s well documented, do not have “classic” canine features. Their faces appear wrinkly (actually, those are skin folds but who checks facts?!), their eyes protrude, and their thin legs seem at odds with their rock-solid frames. They are imperfect creatures in a world that is obsessed with physical perfection. And they are treated as such. But don’t just take my word for it: Examine the media’s portrayal of pugs and you’ll find countless examples of pug-shaming.

It’s not just the Main-Breed Media that’s to blame. Pug-owners themselves, perhaps persuaded to cash in on their pet’s sideshow appeal, have fallen prey to the cheap gags that America’s depraved crave.

DJ, who identifies as “fawn,” never complains about the treatment he receives from our so-called liberal block, but it’s come to a point where he needs to raise his voice the way other dogs raise their legs. With the help of his PoopStarter campaign, DJ has formed “Hello, Gorgeous!”, a not-for-pug-profit that helps to ensure his breed is shown in a more positive media light. Are pugs part of the Canine Illuminati, deliberately cross-breeding to get more pug-like dogs on the street? No! Are pugs generally adopted my incredibly sexy men who are (astonishingly) single? Yes! Ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds dogs that are born really, really scared! The good news is how much progress has been made on the pug-acceptance front. My mother, who spent the first year of DJ’s life calling him a Pekinese, then, when rebuked, insisted they were the same breed, has come to love DJ just like the dog I grew up with. Sure, she still sends birthday cards with pictures of bull dogs and boxers and pit bulls, and writes, “Saw this picture of DJ and thought of you,” but it’s progress. So much of the pug intolerance is from lack of exposure. This holiday season, should you pass by a pug, fawn or black, big or small, left or right left lifted, include him in your reindeer games. He’s not a misfit, and he’s not a toy. He just wants to love you. The kindness you give back just might help you transition into a better person. And, if you’re lucky, get a few licks in the process. That makes you one lucky dog.

What a heart-wrenching story. Now we know better and we'll be a little more considerate of a pug's feelings next time we bump into one. Kindness is key. Love a pug today.

For more on this man's quest for unconditional pug love, visit The Good Men Project.

89 thoughts on “Story of One Man’s Pug is Heartbreaking – Reminds Us That Pug Shaming is Unacceptable!

  1. I agree, its just a “not everyone loves my dog so I’m sad” the only reason I have my pug mix trouble is because hes “too ugly” to other people. I dont care if other people dont love him, then there would be a good chance there wouldnt be as much diversity.

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