Is Your Garden Dangerous For Your Dog? Identify Toxic Plants And Flowers For Your Pooch

We love our gardens! The act of planting and tending to our flowers and plants can be a stress reducer for some and provide a sense of pride for others. After all, who can't appreciate a well maintained, flourishing garden?

Our dogs enjoy gardens too. They're curious creatures by nature, and they love getting into mischief and discovering new things. They can also appreciate, like us, just laying around in the backyard (or front!) and enjoying the shade or warm sunshine.

Unfortunately, not all flowers and plants are good for our pets. If they roll around, ingest or chew on the wrong things there could be serious consequences! The good news is that there are PLENTY of plants and flowers that are harmless. But there are a few common plants that should be reconsidered when you have pets.

It's better to be safe than sorry!

Please continue reading on page 2 and we'll tell you which plants should be avoided in your garden!

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