How to Stop 4 Dangerous Dog Behaviors in Their Tracks (or Paws)

pug playing

Keep in mind your dog does not see the consequences of his actions. He is completely unaware that he is not just risking his life but possibly yours too! Does your pup do the following?

Eating Inappropriate Things
Coming home to find all your shoes or socks in shreds isn’t just annoying — it’s dangerous. If your dog accidentally ingests an inappropriate object, it can cause damage to or get caught in his gastrointestinal system and require surgery for removal. And ingestion of a toxin could have serious consequences!

Bolting Out the Door
Seeing your dog fly by you and bolt out the front door is a nerve-wracking experience. To help prevent this from happening to you, trainer Mikkel Becker has three strategies: First, attach a dragline or leash to a harness on your dog’s back when the door is likely to be opened. That way, you have more control of him if he tries to bolt. Next, teach him to wait at the door. Use this command when your dog is at the front door or at any exit points in his regular routine. Finally, teach him to go to his mat when the door opens.

Nipping and Biting  
This behavior may not seem so threatening when your dog is a puppy, but if he continues the behavior as he gets older, it’s a whole other story. Most of the time, nipping and biting is a play behavior, but sometimes it can be aggressive — and it can be hard to tell the difference.

Chasing After Cars, Bikers and Joggers
This could be risky for you, your dog and the passersby. You’ll need to redirect his desire to chase. If your dog has a history of biting people or seems aggressive, you should talk to a veterinary behaviorist.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid these behaviors. Some mentioned above and other you can find over on Care 2.

Just think of your dog as a two-year-old that you love but he can get out of control and wriggle out of your grasp. Eventually, if you continue to drive commands home your baby will catch on and these behaviors will become a thing of the past!

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