He Was Once Allergic To Humans, But Today This Dog Is Doing FANTASTIC!

The world is made up of two kinds of people: Those who have allergies and those who don't. If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, you probably know a common allergen is animals and, more specifically, their dander.

Many take allergy meds to control it or choose to have a hypoallergenic pet (even though experts say there's no pet can be 100% hypoallergenic).

A lot of people who suffer from allergies are willing to take an extra effort with their condition when it means they can have a companion like a dog or a cat. Clearly, these people have their priorities straight! And sometimes – although it's not scientifically proven – when people with allergies are in constant close contact with a dog or cat they're allergic to, their allergies will adjust a small amount to where they can control it. How about that!

But what if you were to reverse the roles here. Can you imagine a dog being allergic to humans? It may sound strange, but this can actually happen! In fact, it happened to a pup named Adam. This poor pup was suffering from a unique condition that prior to him was unheard of. Luckily, a dermatologist, specific for dogs, was willing to help.

Wanna hear more about Adam's human allergy story? Head on over to the next page! 

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