Dog Barking Making Your Neighbors Angry? Try These Helpful Tips

Does your dog bark when you're not home? Do your neighbors constantly go out of their way to tell you about your dogs incessant barking? Are you overwhelmed with the number of passive aggressive notes on your door and  calls from your annoyed neighbors? We understand how frustrating this can be and we know all too well the anxiousness that can accompany such an unpleasant situation. But try not to worry – you're not alone.

Most dog owners who are out of the house during the day experience similar issues with their dogs and their neighbors. But what can you do? You have to work for a living, right? It's not as though you can quit your job and stay home to monitor your pooch 24/7. And unless you work in a dog-friendly environment like some of those cool tech companies in Silicon Valley, your boss probably won't grant you permission to have your pup hanging out at the office. So what's a dog owner to do?

First things first: Take a deep breath. Everything will be ok. Your dog is doing something that a lot of dogs do. You're out of the house, they hear a noise, they bark. They're lonely, no humans are around to entertain them, they bark. And dogs bark for a variety of reasons – it's not rocket science. But if you want your pup to rest their vocal chords and reduce the awkward encounters from the people living on your block, then you've come to the right place.

On page 2, we're going to share some excellent methods you can implement right away and free yourself from your neighbors scorn.


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