Discover Whether a Dog Will Instinctively Protect a Child… These Findings Will Shock You!

child next to pug

If you’ve ever watched a documentary about dogs, it will explain how, in the wild, a dog has to fight to gain its place in their pack. A fight like this can be brutal and, even if a dog is domesticated, we’ve seen the occasional dog fight. I'm talking about the type of dogfight that starts out innocently as two dogs playing in the family room and then due to a mere disagreement it turns into an all-out dogfight. It can often mean one dog is making the point that he or she is the “alpha” of the canine set. It’s as normal as it is natural.

However, when it comes to dogs and children, there is an interesting connection that is very different from a dog’s inclination to be dominant with another pooch. Rover pretty much knows what he is in the pecking order, and he’s just happy to be included.

So yeah, a child can tug on their tails, be a little too rough when petting their fur, and even sit on the dog, and there will be next to no retaliation. Rover patiently takes it all in and might even feel a little let down when the abuse stops!

After the break we will explain why a dog feels protective of a child all the while takes in unintended ill-treatment when it would never do the same in its pack!

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