8 Things Only a Puppy Owner Will Understand

pug puppies

Puppies… they have so much energy yet they are so easy to love! In other words, they can be good or bad but we love them just the same! One day your adorable puppy will be a majestic dog but meanwhile, you have the following to look forward to:

1) No shoe is safe.
Not even one with your foot still inside it.

2) Ain’t no party like a puppy party ’cause a puppy party don’t stop.
No, seriously. It never, ever stops. Look forward to 6-12 months of this.

3) Humps happen.
And frankly, it’s often hilarious when they do.

4) Anything can be a pillow.
Shoes, arms, teddy bears, other members of the family…a puppy is liable to fall asleep anywhere.

5) The world is one great piddle pad.
Puppy people know to have paper towels around at all times. Of course, that carries its own risk because…

6) Walking through the door is a cause for celebration!
The best part of your day is the best part of your puppy’s day, too: the moment you get home.

7) A puppy is a puppy – even if that puppy is huge!
Puppies are puppies until they reach maturity, which can be anywhere between 12-24 months depending on breed, size, and other factors. People with puppies know that just because their babies are big doesn’t mean they’re grown up, and puppy energy lasts for a looooong time!

8) Nothing beats puppy snuggles!
Okay, we can think of one thing that might be as good as snuggles from a puppy: snuggles from a dog who used to be a puppy, and will be your devoted friend for the rest of its life. If you’ve raised a puppy, tell us all about it in the comments!

Despite it all, do not ever find yourself wishing for the day when your puppy becomes a dog. Honestly, you will find yourself fondly looking back on the days when Fido chewed on your toes and tackled your young son in the backyard.

For more things to ponder over check out Rover.

Oh, and don’t forget to take pictures!


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