8 Things German Shepherd Parents Will Appreciate

Most German Shepherd parents will agree with what is below and will probably do a lot of smiling as they read. For those of you who are not the pet parent to a G.S.? Prepare to be enlightened!

8. We have a Constant Companion
When you have a dog like this, you have a friend all the time. There is no other animal that is happier to see you at the end of the day or the end of a quick trip to the bathroom. This is a dog that loves its owners endlessly and is always there to prove that kind of love and devotion to its master at all times. This is one of the best dogs to have as a pet, no matter where you are and what you do.

7. What’s a Lazy Day?
Remember that time you were really sick with the flu and you got to lie on the couch for days at a time while you recovered? No, you don’t remember that if you own a German Shepherd. This dog requires a great deal of exercise and if you don’t have a big yard with a fence in which your dog can run around, you have no idea what it’s like not to take a hundred walks a day to keep the dog happy and healthy.

6. We Always have Someone to Talk To
These are wonderful companion dogs that do listen and listen well. They love to sit down with you while you spend the day speaking to them about how you feel and what went on. This breed is seriously going to lower your stress level a ton since you are going to have someone to talk to who doesn’t judge you and seems to understand you more than any other. It’s a great dog to keep at home, and it’s a great friend for anyone in need.

5. Nose Art
German Shepherds are very artistic creatures. They’re so artistic, in fact, that they will happily leave their mark for you all over the house. Whether it is on the windows, the doors, the furniture, the tables; they will quite happily leave their mark for you anywhere they see fit. There is going to be nose print art all over the house. That’s all right, though, because it will go quite well with the hand print art your kids leave all over the house when they’re in the mood to leave their mark.

4. Chewing Shoes is Not a Problem
If you have a German Shepherd at home, you know that you never have to worry that your dog is going to wander into the master closet and make a snack out of a pair of $600 Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks. This is a dog that is not at all interested in chewing on your shoes and making a mess of your small personal belongings like that. So there you go; your closet is really going to appreciate having a dog like this around to keep things in order and very nice.

3. Other People think Their Dogs are Smart
Listen, German Shepherd owners are not trying to say that your dog is not smart and intelligent and absolutely perfect. But this is a supremely intelligent dog and we just can’t help but assume that it’s pretty much more intelligent than just about any other breed in the world. What this means for you is that while your dog is smart, we will never think for a second that it’s nearly as smart as ours. We won’t say that, of course. It’s kind of like having kids. We know most other kids are also beautiful and smart, but they’re not as beautiful and smart as our own kids. It’s a right.

2. If the Dog Doesn’t Like You, You’re Out
These are great dogs that just know so much about people. If your dog doesn’t like someone, chances are pretty good that those people are just not a part of your life. It’s hard to have a dog that doesn’t like someone around when you have that person around, and it’s far easier to get rid of the person than it is the dog. And by that we mean that people love their dogs and they’re not usually willing to keep people around if they’re dogs aren’t fans.

1. Is the Dog Smarter?
There will be times in which you really, honestly wonder if your dog is actually smarter than you. And we are not going to lie and say that it’s not. Chances are pretty good your dog is actually a bit smarter than you at times. But that’s all right, because if you’re going to have a dog in the house, you definitely want a smart one since it’s easier to train and love and care for than a dog that just don’t seem to get it. And while we love all dogs, we really do love this breed a lot.

While we do not have to be convinced when it comes to the worth of a German Shepherd (we know!) it’s always nice to read up on what we already know and check mark it off our list of: “Unhunh. Yes.”.

And this is also something you might want to show your family and friends for a healthy: “I told you so!” when they agree.

For more fun please go on over to Three Million Dogs and read more about German Shepherds and why we love them so much!

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