8 Facts About Doggies That Are Actually… False

cute pug on the grass looking up

If you didn't know before, now you do! Here are some dog facts that are surprisingly false!

 Many facts are written out there on websites that are wrong!

1- Dogs and cats are like Tom & Jerry.

However, weirdly enough this one isn’t always true!

2- “Table scraps” are safe to be eaten.

Some table scraps are not safe for your dog.

3- You have to take your dog to the groomer.

Not all the breeds should visit the groomer regularly, as some breeds may just need a nail clipping every now and then.

4- Pit Bulls are very aggressive.

However, the fact is they are just as patient and kind as any other dog breed.

5- When he wags his tail, he’s happy.

While this is sometimes true, but wagging his tail may have two meanings, either as a sign of happiness or agitation and aggression.

6- Dogs are colorblind.

They do see a different a color range than us, however, They can see more than just white, black, and gray.

7- All dogs love each other.

In fact, some dogs just don’t like to socialize with other dogs, and that’s totally okay.

8- Any small dog adores getting dressed up.

While some do in fact like to be dressed up and find it loving, other just don’t and prefer to stay natural.

Wow! I have to admit that I've fallen victim to believing some of these facts. I had no idea that a dog doesn't always wag his tail because he's happy!

For more of these facts, be sure to check out Ur Dogs.

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