5 Top 4th of July Doggie Safety Tips: Keep Your Pooch Out of Harm’s Way!

4th of July Pugs

Here are five simple pieces of advice that can aid you during 4th of July activities. After all, keeping your pooch should be your priority! We want you to have a great time but just consider your pets while you are having fun! Check out the tips below to see how you can keep Fido out of harm's way during this fun summer holiday.

* Lighter Fluid and Matches Are Harmful to Pets.
The ASPCA lists chlorates as a harmful chemical substance found in some matches that, if ingested, can cause your pet difficulty in breathing, damage blood cells or even cause kidney disease. If exposed to lighter fluid, your pet may sustain skin irritation on contact, respiratory problems if inhaled, and gastric problems if ingested.

* NEVER Use Fireworks Around Pets
While lit fireworks can pose a danger to curious pets and potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to the face and paws, even unused fireworks can be hazardous. Some fireworks contain potentially toxic substances such as arsenic, potassium nitrate, and other heavy metals.

* Have Your Pet Properly Identified
If your pet manages to break loose and become lost, without proper identification it will be that much harder to get them back. Consider fitting your pet with microchip identification, ID tags with their name and your phone number, or both. It is also a good idea to have a recent picture of your pets in case you have to put up signs.

* Going to a Fireworks Display? Leave Your Pet at Home
The safest place for your pet is at home, not in a crowded, unfamiliar and noisy place. The combination of too many people and loud fireworks will make your beloved pet freak out and desperately seek shelter. Locking them in the car is also not an option; your pet may suffer brain damage and heat stroke.

* Keep your Pet Indoors at All Times!
It may seem obvious, but even if your pet is used to being outside, the resulting panic caused by fireworks or other loud noises may make them break their restraint or jump a fence in a terrified attempt to find safety.

The American Humane Association reports that July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters and for good reason. Obviously, if your dog is too afraid he is going to bolt, poor thing!

And sadly, this is a good thing when considering all of the poor doggies that are so frightened by firecrackers and bright lights that they run away, usually into a busy street, and become injured or killed!

For more important tips please check out Pet MD and please watch out for Fido!

Featured Image via Sharon/Flickr

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