5 Shocking Facts About Corgis

corgi dog

Corgis are some of the most interesting dog breeds out there. They have so much history that you'd be surprised at what you'll learn today! If you want to get the complete rundown of these adorable doggies, you've come to the best place! Learn all there is about Corgis!

Corgis are taking over the world, shaking their furry behinds and winning the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. Lots of fun facts are floating out there about these intelligent dogs.

1. Corgis Have a Double Coat
These dogs know how to winterize and accessorize. Two breeds, two coats: cardigans and Pembrokes have a double coat of hair, enabling them have weather protection but also lose a layer in the warmer seasons.

2. Vikings Loved Them
Cardigans are among the oldest herding breeds and over 3,000 years old! They have a time-tested history amidst tough, hardworking human companions and they’ve historically earned their keep.

3. Myth Says Corgis Came from Fairies
Folklore suggests this breed was employed by the fairy kingdom. The fair folk would use them as mounts, literally riding herd on these herders, making them truly enchanting.

4. They’re Great Watchdogs
Many find the corgi a great watchdog because of their attentive nature and slumber-shattering woof.

5. They Share Ancestry with Huskies
You’d never guess by looking at them, but these squat dogs share a common ancestry with the formidable Siberian husky. They might not pull a sled (or be able to navigate snow) but they have that same dogged determination.

WOW! Who knew that Corgis were related to Huskies?! That was a complete shocker! LOL! I couldn't believe that these doggies have so much history! It sure makes you love them even more, right?!

For more information on the most uncommon Corgi facts, visit Rover Blog.

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