When This Pug Licks With His Long Tongue, He Just Can’t Seem to Stop – HA HA!

pug licking owners leg

On average, dogs spend a lot of time grooming, just like cats. They will lick each other to show respect and keep the bonds alive between pack members. So, practically speaking, your dog is grooming you as a gesture of love and respect.

But when does this bonding gesture go from pleasing to kind of strange? I mean, isn’t twenty minutes of licking your leg a little excessive?

Maybe because you are the center of your pooch’s universe, they feel a profound inclination to show you just how much they love you. While you don't have to allow kisses on your mouth, this doesn't mean you have to stop your dog from licking you entirely. After all, why dislike affection?

Check out the video on page two. This pug loves licking and is not shy about it! What a tireless little guy!

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23 thoughts on “When This Pug Licks With His Long Tongue, He Just Can’t Seem to Stop – HA HA!

  1. I agree, I really think it is just what pugs do. My girl Izzy would constantly lick my legs…..LOL and when I wasn’t there, for some reason she loved to lick the outside of the tub. 🙂 She was the best and I miss her terribly.

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