When a Pug Mix Nearly Died From a Chew Stick, This Couple Turned a Horrific Event Into Something Inspiring by Doing THIS

couple with their pug

There is nothing like an injury to your precious pet to make a human being think they can do it so much better than nature. In this case, we are talking about developing safe dog toys.

A sweet couple found themselves in a distressing situation when one of their much-loved dogs was badly injured by a prickly stick that became lodged in his mouth! While a dog and his stick are usually very iconic, this could have been tragic. Due to this scary course of events these caring dog parents then and there they wanted to make a difference.

Mr. and Mrs. Knight determined they were going to design pet-safe dog toys, and their inspiration came from their own faithful Wilbur’s misfortune! Thank goodness he came out of his trauma okay, but other dogs may not be as fortunate. That is why this couple is intent on changing the world – one safe doggy toy at a time!

Visit the next page to read more about their story and how they're inspiring dog owners everywhere!

via Martin Lange

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