What This Homeless Man Pulls Across the Country and Why Will Leave You in Tears

Steve with his stray dogs

Why does one man want to keep his family of dogs together despite being homeless? Read about it now!

This is the cart that Steve, an elderly homeless man, was pulling behind a bicycle.

strays united

Via Facebook / Steve's Strays United Across the USA

All 11 of his dogs were coming with him on the journey from the West Coast to middle America.


Via Facebook / Steve's Strays United Across the USA

Steve rescued them and now they mean the world to him.


Via Facebook / Steve's Strays United Across the USA

Multiple rescue organizations, including SOAR, have put Steve and his fur baby family up in hotels and provided him with transportation…

Once he gets to Indiana, a friend agreed to help him out.


Via Facebook / Steve's Strays United Across the USA

It would be heartbreaking to tear this dedicated family apart. Local shelters and rescues in the area will take care of the dogs for the immediate future, while Steve works on putting together a life in Indiana with the help of his friend.

Good luck, Steve!

What an amazing human being. His happiness all depends on keeping his fur babies together in their journey. We hope that he is successful and his doggies are safe with him! Everyone deserves a second chance at life and things are looking up for this family!

For more on Steve's story, visit Viral Nova.

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