WHAT IS Going On In These Bizarre Dog Photos? #9 Is Epic!

We've all seen awkward family photos. But today, we have awkward and bizarre dog photos… so what could be better?

Don't get us wrong. We love those adorable, heartwarming photos featuring dogs doing things that make us oooh and awww. But every once in a while we stumble upon some internet gems. These gems are typically made up of equal parts funny and bizarre. The result? Well, if you have a sense of humor, laughter!

And who doesn't want to laugh?

On the following page, you'll see some awesome photos that we couldn't have planned if we wanted to! It turns out that dogs can get themselves into some pretty awkward situations on their own.

Or, their strange owners put them in that situation. Just check out the owner who is walking his dog in the water while he's on dry land. Yeah, don't ask.

Are you curious now? Visit page 2 to see some totally awkward and bizarre doggy photos!


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