These German Shepherds Befriend an Orphaned Doe Named Ammo

It's pretty incredible when dogs bond with us; they have so much heart! They seem to know when to provide comfort by giving us hugs and kisses, be there when we've had a rough day, and really be the most amazing fur friend possible.

A similar response can occur when we introduce other animals in their lives. Once a dog has an opportunity to get a feel for the other pet, they typically become very friendly very fast. Then they're pals!

Occasionally when taking care of another animal, one that may need our help, a dog knows how to step in and be a caretaker too. That's just what two dogs named Kubota and Diesel did for a this little doe named Ammo. 

Keep reading to learn more about this incredible story of two German Shepherds and an 11-month-old baby deer. It's such a beautiful story! 


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