What Is Dog Fostering…. Exactly?

Not all homeless dogs stay in a shelter when they're looking for a forever home. Some stay with a foster family until they are adopted. If you've thought about fostering a pooch but have some reservations about it, that's normal!

Many of your questions can be answered. The fact is there is an over abundance of dogs and puppies out there who need a whole of love and care. And who know…. you could be the person to provide it to them!

Fostering is a wonderful way to temporarily care for a pup until they can be placed in a forever home. Dogs who don't have the option of a foster home don't get nearly enough attention and care.

Having a dog placed in a foster home can also help the organization learn more about the pooch, what their behavior is around other dogs and in a home environment.

Want to learn more about what becoming a dog foster parent entails? Keep reading on the second page! 

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