[VIDEO] Watch This Beautiful German Shepherd Get Rescued!

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that most of us here love dogs. Whether you find the perfect German Shepherd through a reputable breeder or you do your research and find a great rescue who is friendly, willing to be trained, and – after a nice trip to the clip n' curl and a visit to the vet – will become your best bud for years to come.

You just have to look at the video on the following page. We are witnessing the rescue of Anna, a gorgeous German Shepherd who, although appears reluctant at first, comes to understand that the people who are feeding and petting her want to take care of her. These good Samaritans want nothing more than to find Anna a new home.

Although she's clearly wet and hungry, you can see she's a noble pooch. And it makes you wonder… where did she come from? There doesn't appear to be a collar around her neck. Did she run away? Did someone abandon her?

Watch this heartwarming rescue on the following page. Stuff like this restores our faith in humanity!

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