(Video) Protective Pooch Does Her Best to Protect Family From Scary Movie

Dog Watches Scary Movie


When we bring our dog to his or her forever home we expect a few things. They are there to keep us company, to love us as we love them, and to be a great guard dog. Even the smallest of dogs takes that last responsibility very seriously!

Khaleesi the Bulldog doesn’t just protect her family from the evils on the outside of the house trying to get in. She also finds herself wanting to protect her humans from the horrors on their TV screen! Or maybe it is the potential small victims on the screen?

If so, brave Khaleesi will not have it! She is anticipating the ghosts yet to come and if she can warn them in time maybe no ill will come to this family!

Go on over to the next page and watch this fascinating and humorous dog in guard mode!

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