(VIDEO) Olivia Newton John Comes On. When This Pug Hearts Her Sing? I Still Can’t Believe What He Does!

Singing Pug

There are certain songs that hit a personal emotional cue. You know, it’s the song you are listening to as your driving down the street. This particular song either makes you boogie like there is no tomorrow, trying to hit that high note you have no business trying to reach or, in many cases, it may be a sentimental song that may make you cry as you are sitting on the corner of Main St. and Vine Avenue!

Until recently we thought human beings were the only ones with the intelligence to feel really emotional when it comes to music. However, tests were conducted on various ape species and there was a notable trigger when certain songs were introduced.

But then there are dogs.

Do they understand song? Can lyrics penetrate their minds? Will a tune really have an emotional effect on Rover or Spot?

Go over to page two and check out their effect on at least one demonstrative pug!

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