(VIDEO) Adorable Pug Just Wants a Tasty Snack. When She Eats THIS in the Wild? So Cute!

Pug Eating Berries

We haven’t mentioned it yet but raspberries are actually very good for you. They contain significant amounts of vitamin C,  manganese, and fiber. It has even been suggested they fight cancer! See, Pugs are incredibly astute doggies!

Naturally, we might worry about pesticides or even if the raspberries might be tainted in some way but apparently, this Pug’s parents knows what this fruit is all about. And honestly, when you look at this cute Pug you get the impression it is not the first time she’s sneaked a snack from this vine!

If it’s not home-grown or out in the wild — we hope their neighbors are generous and are enjoying the view of a small Pug having fun eating their fruit!

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