(VIDEO) Adorable Pug Just Wants a Tasty Snack. When She Eats THIS in the Wild? So Cute!

Pug Eating Berries

With the warmer weather who does not like when they are presented with raspberries? It is a cool, juicy and yummy fruit and we are all about that – especially when they are grown out in the wild and come fresh from the vine!

While, as human beings, we might want to bring them in the house, wash them, and maybe even prepare them with a little whipped cream and a nice sponge cake – dogs like their desserts raw and fresh from the source.

Over on the next page, we have the sweetest and most determined little Pug who absolutely loves her fruit! She chews on these raspberries as if they are her last meal but still manages to savor every moment. There is no doubt, as you watch her snack, that she is loving every minute of this delicious dessert!

Who needs whipped cream anyway? Watch this little cutie enjoy her snack on the video after the break!

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