These Dogs Are Absolutely Cooler Than Their Owners


Don't let your dog give you a “coolness” complex. Remember, that they're a reflection of you! If you have a cool dog, chances are you're cool too! So in essence, it should help increase your cool points.

1. This dog looking super chill as he decides what drink to make you next.

A photo posted by Erin (@erinrae212) on


2. These pals are about to release a new punk album.


A photo posted by MOMO.COCO (@momococopapa) on


3. This dude reppin’ some badass shades.


4. These hip kids trying to stay warm in their sweatshirts.


A photo posted by Southern Labs (@southernlabs) on


5. This dog proving bow ties are cool.

A photo posted by Ernie (@erniewoof) on


How cute are these guys? Major kudos to the owners who put this all together. Dressing up your pooch isn't always the easiest thing, so we appreciate the effort that went into this. Also, thanks to BuzzFeed for compiling this list and making us laugh!

Which One Is Your Favorite?

Share which pup is your favorite in the comments below! Have a funny pic of your dog in costume or dressed up? Share it with us. We welcome images and video links in the comments section below.

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