Testiment Of Love: This Memorial Statue Honors A Heroic Dog That Saved A Girls Life

A larger dog attacked a girl named Vucetic and Leo, the Dachshund, rushed to the rescue. Ultimately Leo's act of saving Vucetic cost him his life. Talk about heroic!

Today there is a statue of Leo in the park where the pup saved the girl's life. It's a reminder to parents that dogs are beautiful animals that can be heroes. And it's certainly a beautiful testimony of Leo's bravery!

Vucetic was on her way home from a friend’s house when a neighbor’s dog got loose from their yard and jumped on her from behind and grabbed her arm. In no time at all, little Leo sprinted on to the scene and threw himself on the dog’s leg biting it until it released the girl.

Despite veterinarian’s best efforts to save Leo’s life, he didn’t survive the night. His heroic actions saved Vucetic’s life and his memory will never be forgotten in the town of Pancevo thanks to a newly erected statue.

On the statue, there is a plaque that reads “To all small heroes with big hearts.”

It's beautiful to know (and One Green Planet reminds us of this too), that heroes come in all shapes and sizes and that size does not matter when it comes to a courageous dog. Leo did the unthinkable and for that he lost his life, but he serves as a reminder that little dogs (and big dogs too) can be heroes and stand up for what is right in the face of danger. Rest well, Leo!

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