Test Your Knowledge: Do You Know the Famous Dogs Through History on the Big Screen?

Rin Tin

We’ve watched them on the big and small screen since we were young. Many are before our time, but we caught them on the late, late show or a classic television series!

Maybe we know them by their look but not necessarily their name? Or is it the opposite?

All we really know is the dogs in these iconic films are are the dogs we wish we had growing up. Other than our pooches, if you're familiar with some of these classic movies, then you'll likely say you loved them more than Superman, comedy, action film or TV series!

They are animal actors who stay in our mind long after they are gone, and if you visit page two you will see some favorites and – in one case – a scary reminder of why we love our celebrity dogs!

Via Rin Tin Tin in the film Frozen River (1929)

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