Pull Out Some Kleenex and Read a Touching Tribute to a Doggie Who Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

close up of a Pug's face

This letter to a beloved pup will make you cry. Jessie will be missed.

Dear Jessie,

When I first adopted you, I whispered to you “You gotta live forever, ’kay?” Over the years when I would imagine life without you, I would say again to you, “You gotta live forever, ’kay?”’

My body still wants to take you for a walk. Your leash still hangs by the door waiting for the words, “Wanna go outside?”

You were with me through all the good times and the bad. You never judged me, even when I weighed 200 lbs and was sweating to the oldies. You always had a wag of the tail for me.

You trusted me right up to the end. You believed me when I told you that you didn’t have to live forever and it’s OK to go.

I love you sweet Jessie girl, and I’ll see you at the bridge. 1998 – 2016

Wasn't that so incredibly sweet? You can tell that Jessie and her owner had an extra special bond and their love was unconditional. Although it may be hard for Jessie's owner to cope with her death, at least she has some amazing memories to keep with her forever.

For more on Jessie's tribute, visit Life With Dogs.

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