How Owning a Doggy can Make You an Even Greater Date

dog and couple

Who what have thought that all along, your pup might have been the one secretly helping you snag all those dates! Find out how.

When I was dating Greg, meeting the pets was a big step in our courtship. I had two cats, Fonzie and Blaze, and he had a 5-year-old cocker spaniel, Sable.

Greg met the cats when he picked me up for our first date, and they got along fine, even though he wasn’t a cat person. But when he took me home to meet his dog three dates later, things didn’t go as smoothly.

When we were halfway down the block, Sable realized she was walking with a stranger and reversed course. So, we returned home about 5 minutes after we started.

Researchers say that pets, increasingly considered family members, are becoming relationship barometers.

Here are more conclusions of the pet-dating study conducted by lead researcher Peter B. Gray of the University of Nevada.

Dogs are better than cats for assessing a date’s care-giving abilities.

Men, more than women, use a pet to attract a potential date.

Women, more than men, are attracted to someone because they have a pet.

How amazing! You just found out that your pooch has been the ultimate wingman all along! LOL! Learning about how having a pet makes others see you as a potential partner really puts your love life into perspective.

Now you'll definitely have to give Fido some extra treats, especially after next time you two are out on the prowl and find a date for this weekend!

Learn more about how your pet can make you a great date by visiting Care2.

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