Dog Mom Says Goodbye to Her Pug in Heartwarming Letter That’ll Touch Your Heart

pug sad

The dog mom's name is Lisa and she composes one of the most heartfelt letters to her adored fur baby. He passed away recently and she needed to get what was in her heart down on paper and we think she did a marvelous job. It's both heartbreaking and heartwarming simultaneously.Take a look:

Two months later, my heart is still raw, as if someone ripped it out of my chest, threw it off a 12-story building, then scooped it up and shoved it back into my body. Most days, I alternate between states of deep longing and numb resignation, knowing I must move on because I have no choice otherwise. Your sisters need me, and I want so much to make up for all the love and attention that often went to you instead of them. But when I do the simplest things, such as walk into the kitchen and realize you’re not following close behind, or lie on the bedroom floor to do my stretches and don’t hear you running into the room to jump on top of me and rest your head on my chest, my heart breaks all over again. I know this grief must ebb and flow at its own pace, but it hurts so much, missing you. Still, I am slowly becoming resigned to the fact that the longer I live, the more relationships – human and canine – I will have to grieve. It is an earthly reality we must all face.

You wanted for nothing, and you were cherished, utterly and completely. You opened my heart as no one else has, brought out a maternal side I never knew I had, and made me a kinder person, just for being in my life. I am so grateful to have had the chance to be your human mommy. It was a delight, a pleasure, and a privilege.

There is more to this tender, affectionate letter to her loving and much-loved fur baby. We strongly suggest you read it all over on Dogster; it’s that good.

Obviously, it was wonderful therapy for her, getting her through the tragic end of a thirteen-year relationship. Sometimes coping is all about getting it on paper and we love her style.

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17 thoughts on “Dog Mom Says Goodbye to Her Pug in Heartwarming Letter That’ll Touch Your Heart

  1. Miss Lily is my 3rd pug and probably last as I am getting older and not as able to get up and around so easily. Even the thought of this saddens me to no end and now, Lily is 11 yrs. old and I know that day is coming faster than I (we) want. I just can’t think of “it”, and she comes to lick my face as I cry, even now.

  2. I lost my sweet Pug almost a year ago. He was only 7-1/2 years old. He should have been around 7 more years. Not a day goes by that I still don’t grieve for him. He was the best dog that ever was. He loved me 150% and I loved him back.

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