Common Issues Only Large Breed Owners Will Understand

Ever heard of broken glass on the floor since you chose to put an expensive picture frame on the side table next to your sofa? With a single swipe of his tail, a large dog can break that picture frame. A large breed is prone to breaking things and it's up to you to set up safe surroundings for your dog. This is just one of many concerns that pet owners have for their large furry friends.

Here are more concerns you may totally get if you already own a large breed.

Counters, Floors and — Ceilings???
Your giant breed may be the most well-mannered dog in his playgroup, but he’s still prone to accidents. Plan on removing breakables from coffee tables or other areas that are at dog height.

And the counters and floors aren’t the limit for giant breed messes — even the ceiling can be an issue. How is that possible, you ask? One word: drool.

Diet For a Big Dog
It’s a given that giant breeds eat more than their normal-size brethren, although you’ll probably find that they require less food than you expect. They do, however, have some special dietary needs, especially as pups and adolescents.

Mobility Issues
A giant-breed puppy might look big enough to go jogging with you when he’s only a few months old, but he won’t reach skeletal maturity until he’s between 18 months and 2 years old. It’s important not to let giant breeds jump on and off the furniture or to pound their joints by running on hard surfaces.

Stairs can also be a hazard for giant breeds. That means carrying your puppy up and down stairs, using a ramp or limiting where he can go in the house.

Spay/Neuter Timing
Finally, as with diet, giant breeds have special needs when it comes to spay/neuter surgery. Talk to your veterinarian about the best time to schedule the surgery based on the risks.

So as you can see, large breeds make excellent companions, but also require lots of extra love and dedication. Take care of your pet knowing they are going to take a lot of work, but they are definitely worth it! After all, you'll have a best friend who loves you unconditionally.

You can read up on how a large breed can feel at home by brushing up on more must-know tips on Care2.

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