3 Vital Commands That Could Save Your Dog’s Life

pug looking up

There is only three but they are very interesting. Scroll through the following to see what these commands are and why it is so important to teach them to your dog.

Down Stay
A dog who immediately drops his body into a down, regardless of distance from his owner, will be better able to avoid danger. Search-and-rescue dogs are taught to respond to this command even if they are running at top speed toward a victim or are on top of a pile of rubble. Directing him into a down stay can keep him out of the way and safe until you can get to him.

Drop It
Everyday household items can be dangerous for dogs — ladies’ underwear is a common choking hazard, but other typical offenders include chicken bones and apple cores. And the most common poison hazards for dogs are human over-the-counter and prescription medications. A dog that understands “drop it” will let go of the item, which can then be taken away, averting a potential disaster.

Come When Called
Dogs are often happily oblivious to potential threats around them, like traffic or poisonous plants, and can easily wander into dangerous — or deadly — situations. Even the best-behaved dogs may find themselves in dangerous situations and it is truly risking life or death to not instill a reliable recall.

The above commands are very important and most experts sincerely believe them to be the most significant of trained behaviors for a dog.

We want to give a big “thank you” to Care 2 for imparting this vital information and, in the future, it may be a good idea to impress upon your family, furry and otherwise, the importance of this training.

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