3 Things You Can Do To Make Your Vet Visit Better!

If you’re like us taking your dog to the veterinarian is not always the best experience in the world. Your pooch is always excited and happy when you take a drive. They're like a kid who's ready for play time. But when we turn that corner and “Max” realizes he’s not going to the park or to dog beach – a nervous body language takes over.

We are luckier than some because our dog doesn't refuse to get out of the car or enter the front door of the pet hospital. Thank goodness!

During this time, our pooch is most interested in the smells and other patients than a potential shot or exam. But the mood often sways during that time in the waiting room. Dread and anticipation start to sync in and our pooch becomes nervous.

Suddenly their name is called and instantly the tail that normally wags with excitement is laying low and tucked neatly between their legs. Getting them through those two double doors can feel like a fight between titans!

But it doesn't have to be that difficult.

On page 2 we'll share 3 Things You Can Do To Make Your Vet Visit Better!

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