10 Adorable Hybrid Pug Breeds You Never Knew Existed


Being a Pug parent is a lot of fun. Even if you don't have a Pug as a furry family member, you're probably close to getting one or are at least around this breed a lot. Their infectious and playful personalities are just too much fun not to be around! Plus, who doesn't love those adorable curly tails and flat, cute faces?!

There's no doubt about it. Pugs are the perfect breed to have as a fur child and also do really well around human children. If you're thinking about switching it up and getting another dog *gasp* then why not get another Pug, but this time a hybrid Pug breed?

You might be wondering what a hybrid Pug breed is. Well, as we know doggies come in all shapes and sizes. If you breed a Pug with a King Charles Cavalier, for example, you get a Pugalier! This mixed breed, as well as many other mixed breeds, are really too cute for words. Plus, you still get to enjoy a Pug's traits with an extra doggy breed added to the mix!

Trust me when I say you never knew the Pug mixes you're about to learn about even existed, but soon you won't be able to stop thinking about them.

If you don't believe me, I encourage you to head to the next page. There you'll begin to “meet” some furry hybrid Pug breeds that will steal your heart! They are indeed real, and they are very, very precious. Enjoy! 

Featured Image via Talk Photography

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