(VIDEO) Watch Just How Much Barry the Pug LOVES His Bath in the Sink – Too Funny!

Barry the pug in the tub

As adults we all enjoy that quiet time when we can take a long hot shower or bath and just enjoy ourselves under the comforting water, allowing it to soak away all of our aches and tension. It’s an excellent therapy!

However, when it comes to dogs, it’s not usually so wonderful. For one thing, WE have to give them their bath and, if it’s not done often and well as puppies, as adults a dog will often want to run off before their time in the tub is over. RE: It’s usually a struggle!

Now, meet Barry. He's a British pug who not only accepts bath time with good grace but absolutely loves it. At first, we thought the stream from the hand-held shower head was too strong but – oh no! Barry loves his massage!

Watching him closely, we think he really hated when bath-time ended! How do you like that for a pampered pooch? Visit the next page and take a look at this hilarious video!

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11 thoughts on “(VIDEO) Watch Just How Much Barry the Pug LOVES His Bath in the Sink – Too Funny!

  1. My First Pug .. “Sir Otis” .. He LOVED Bath Time !! Especially when I was IN it !!! If I REALLY wanted a PRIVATE bath I had to CLOSE the Door .. OTHERWISE He would JUMP in with ME … BUBBLES & ALL !!! He was a FUNNY Pug .. Still MISS Him !!!!!!

  2. Doreen Marciano, my first pug was named, “Miss Otis”!!! As a child, I loved the movie, “Milo & Otis.” From that movie, I fell in love w pugs & was naming my pug “Otis,” tho she happened to b a female….so “Miss Otis” was the name!

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