(VIDEO) A Pug is Enjoying a Nice Walk When All of a Sudden He Does This. I Can’t Stop Cracking Up!

taking a Pug on a walk

The simple act of exercising your best friend has never been so entertaining as it is the video on the next page!

If you’ve ever noticed how engrossed your dog gets with the world around him while you take him for a walk, there may be a good reason.

It turns out his mind is moving as quickly as his legs; a mile a minute! Then while he takes in all those sights and sounds… Well, it is enough to make any living thing preoccupied.

Now, if you’ve ever wondered what goes through your Pug's mind as you walk him around, we think said video pretty much tells all!

This adorable video is a clever doggy walk statement, all from a pooch’s point of view. After all, he just wants to show us his world and what he thinks as he walks and then gleefully runs home!

Watch what this pooch does during his walk that has us all entranced after the break. What a cutie!

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