Stop What You’re Doing Right Now and Check Out These 12 Hilarious and Priceless Dog Pictures

pug sleeping

Still not convinced that we've found a pooch that's more hilarious than your dog? You just might be wrong! Take a peek at these funny dogs!

1. Wow…who would have a thought a pug could sleep like this?! 

pug sleeping in a funny position

Via Instagram

2. This dog was so happy when his human came back from vacation, that he morphed into a Disney character.
funny dog

Via Imgur

3. Dogs: they might vomit on the floor but at least they'll provide emotional support while you clean it up.

vomit dog

Via Imgur

4. When this dog sits down, he accidentally looks like a furry bodybuilder. “Where's ma money?”

body builder dog

Via Imgur

5. When bae says, “I love you” and you suddenly realize you're not the commitment type.


Via Reddit

6. Get on the slip n' slide, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

slip n slide

Via Reddit

7. This dog's owner heard barking, then came out to find this.

stuck pup

Via Imgur

8. This dog doesn't understand why you can't just pull over and ask for directions already.


Via Reddit

9. This picture is presented without commentary


Via Imgur

10. Husky: some assembly required.


Via Imgur

11. When even the dog gets worried when you say your going to build a “custom shelf.”

funny dogs

Via Imgur

12. It's always a great day…until that one annoying friend you hate shows up.

annoyed dog

Via Reddit

Did we prove you wrong? I bet we did! They all certainly had some silly expressions on their faces! Maybe it's time you tried to snap a few more funny photos of your pup! LOL!

For more goofy doggies, be sure to visit BarkPost.

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