There are many truths a dog-owner must face, whether they want to or not, but a pug parent simply must accept a few things about their beloved pooch or they may live to regret it later!
Now, don’t get us wrong. Little Chico or Snowflake may have the best temperament ever and his or her bathroom habits also may be exemplary but you have to be honest. There are a few things about your adorable puggy pooch that gives you pause!
They may not even necessarily be bad things, just little foibles that are unique to a precious pug!
We have a great list over on the next page, along with picture examples, that often hit the nail directly on the head! Anyone who has ever owned a pug will be able to relate and trust us, we are laughing with you and your darling doggy, not at you!
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Susan Ellis
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How true everything that is said but don’t forget they hate hot weather I wouldn’t change my little Murphy for any thing ❤️
Pamela Samis-Ball Heller
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I love my Heidi Rose.
Jennifer Kemler Kaski
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I know this, I have 2 pugs and I do not regret it!
Eunice Gibbs
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Best dogs ever.
Dennis Nowak
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So true, so true!
Virginia Henry
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Bella our first Pug and don’t regret at all.
Trish Meeks
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My sassy is my baby so pampered and spoiled
Jarrod M. Klanderman
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All definitely true. Wouldn’t trade any of it. Love my snuggle bug!
Marta Radotic
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Pug description to a tee – wouldn’t want to change a thing!
Jim Swearngin
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The Tulip tilt…
Fern Speed
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I love my pug ,Fonzi. Can’t imagine life without him.
Carma Cryer Harris
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Rodney Harris
Diane Shearing Claffey
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Him to soooo much
Sharon Owens
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Started with one pug now have three, my babies love them
Kelli Rudd
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James Matthew Rudd
Ru Walters
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Shaelyn Rae Howard ❤️
Ru Walters
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Shaelyn Rae Howard .. yes . Little Frank
Tina Fisher
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They left out the shedding! My Buffy has been gone for a year now. Still finding dog hair.
Lisa Olivia Pantolin Martinez
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Maggie Martinez
Connie Parks
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I love my pugs
Maggie Martinez
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How about her being annoying every second lol
Richard L Miller
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And it is not soft, silky, hair that vacuums up easily … oh no, it burrows and finds it’s way into the carpets, the car seats, the couch cushions … I could go on. Just know there’s lots of it.
Tina Fisher
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I will be sadder when there is no more dog hair.
Cetoria Smith
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Love my fefe
Angela Webster
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Amber Skye
Neesha Singh
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Neerja we’re livin this
Sharmi Sethuraman
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SathiaNarayanan Dayanidhi
Aditi Chopra
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Ambalik Agarwal
Maureen Ann
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So true! Pugs are full of love and also very funny. Love my Ollie to pieces!
Jason Kladehall
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Courtney Kladehall these are all very true
Emily Bailey Sr.
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You forgot that they are stubborn and won’t come when call until they are ready I have mine for 12 years this Oct oh also she is my shadow love her
Brenda Hargrove Milliken
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My Dudley….he snores , sheds, and demands his way .. but I love this pug!
Pat Jordan
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They are all true.
Pat Hogan
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Even my chug sheds. So much more pug than chihuahua.
Richard Herrera
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Karina Luna
Karina Luna
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Can you fucking stop
KimAlbright Rogers
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Kimberlynn Rogers, Matthew Rogers, Rosemary Eileen Suprenant, Cassidy Hatfield. So true but worth it
Mary L Mooney
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Mallorie Mooney
Stan Fabian
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So true
Toby Renee Peterson
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Every last one is totally true!
D'Anna Watson
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Mike Watson….everyone of these is true!!!! The licking is a thing I guess
Vickie Grisham
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yeah every one is true
Randie Ervin
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I wouldn’t say they are all true but most of them are with our pug.
Gidget Jackson
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accepting that they are the best dogs ever!
Sean Ishaq
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Lauren Princess to a T! ☺️
Laura Ernwine Heady
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Robert Heady
Angela Black
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This is so true!
Julia Dear
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Felicia Crumb
Phillip Davis
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Ann-maree Davis
Johnny Reyes
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Only one negative and that is the excessive shedding.