Does Your Dog Pee When They Get Excited? If So, You Need To Read THIS

Keep in mind the last thing you want to do is punish your pooch for submissively peeing because this will only make the problem worse, especially if Fido is feeling intimidated by you! Instead, read these tips and be patient as you gently correct your pup's behavior. Hopefully in time she'll learn that urinating out of intimidation is not okay. She may just have an anxious personality, and this means you need to be more patient with her. Here's more info on the issue:

Submissive urination is a dog's uncontrollable, instinctive reaction to the presence of another dog or human that they feel is superior or is intimidating to them. It is a subconscious response that cannot be controlled.

You should never punish submissive urination—it will only make it problem worse.

The main training goal is to build confidence and to redirect the dog’s mind to other actions than urinating when concerned or excited.

Here are 7 tips to help:
• Don’t attempt to reassure your dog or reinforce his actions. Keep quiet but relaxed. Ignore his behavior.
• Familiarize him gradually in small stages with noises, people, and other dogs. Don’t rush him into situations and experiences.
• Use a crate when you cannot supervise. Put his crate near a door allowing him to get outside quickly, potentially avoiding an accident.
• If he urinates don’t say anything, get him outside and then clean up without him seeing you do this.
• When out in the yard, do not call him up to you but walk slowly around with him.
• Do everything slowly and work at making your body language calm and unconcerned.
• Be non-threatening. Don’t stare at him or show displeasure no matter how you feel.

For a full list of 15 tips to overcome submissive urination visit Cesar's Way. Remember — don't make your pooch feel bad for peeing but instead help her overcome her fear by giving her lots of love, and follow the tips above. She should be able to overcome this reaction by feeling safer in any situation she's placed in.

It may also help to approach the situation in a mature way. Some pet owners may feel punishment is preferred for peeing in the house no matter the circumstance, but remind them that patience and care will help their pooch overcome submissive urination.

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