Does Your Dog Pee When They Get Excited? If So, You Need To Read THIS

When a dog gets overly excited they tend to do a lot of things, from jumping up on people they're excited to see to peeing on the floor. Peeing due to excitement and peeing due to nervousness, however, are two very separate things.

An excitable bladder usually goes away as a puppy gets older whereas nervous or “submissive urination” carries on throughout adulthood.

Submissive urination takes place because your fur friend feels a dog or human they're around is superior or intimidating.

Usually, this happens during an initial greeting and can easily be cleaned up. However, this is obviously something you don't want to continue to happen.

So how do you halt submissive urination from occurring?

On the following page, we'll discuss some effective ways to stop submissive urination! 


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