5 Bad Doggy Behaviors and What You Can Do to Bite Them in the Butt

bad pug puppy

Oh no — your pooch has been a bad doggie — again! Looks like Fido is in BIG trouble!

If your pooch is having a bit of an issue with following the rules, there are a few things you can do to stop him from acting out.

Some doggy behaviors are more frequent than others, but they all have an easy fix! Just be assertive and patient and soon your pup will learn that digging up the dirt in your yard is not good.

Don't worry, your precious new shoes will be safe from Fido's teeth once you learn how to properly train him. So stock up on treats and chew toys because your pooch will learn how to break these bad doggy habits as soon as you implement positive training!

Learn about five bad doggy behaviors and how to stop Fido from not following your commands again on the next page. It's time to nip these bad doggy habits in the butt!

Via Christina Hart / Flickr

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