5 Bad Doggy Behaviors and What You Can Do to Bite Them in the Butt

bad pug puppy

Is your pooch still behaving badly? Find out what you can do to fix his “issues” below!

Separation Anxiety

If your dog gets upset when you leave, teach him that you'll always come back. At first, leave him alone for just 5 or 10 minutes. Stay away a little longer each time. Give him a chew toy and leave on the radio or TV. Be calm when you go and return so he knows that being alone is OK. Crate-training your dog can prevent separation anxiety. However, it can be trickier to crate train an anxious older dog. Ask your vet for advice.

Barking at the Door

To cut the barking, teach your dog a new habit. Pick a spot within sight of the door. Then teach him to lie down, and stay when you say, “Go to your spot.” That will help your dog stay calm and give him something to do while he waits to be greeted. Have a friend with a treat come to the door, but only open it when your dog’s quiet. Do this enough and he’ll learn to be quiet to get the treat.


Dogs, especially puppies, explore the world with their mouth. They like to chew because it calms them. But it's destructive and could lead to them eating things that they shouldn't — like socks that could block their intestines. Break this habit right away. Give your dog chew toys, and give them to him when he chews things he shouldn't.

Pulling on the Leash

Help your dog learn to walk calmly beside you. Never let him pull. Or else he'll learn pulling sometimes pays off. Keep the leash short but loose. Stop whenever you feel it go tight. He'll stop to see why you aren't moving. When he comes back, reward him and keep walking. After a few days, your dog will learn that pulling gets him nowhere.


Dogs like to dig, and you'll need to train them to get them to stop. You need to catch your dog in the act to stop digging. Say “no” and distract him with a toy. Say “no” and distract him with a toy. Scolding him after he's already dug a hole doesn't work — this is all about being consistent when they're digging, not afterward. Tip: Give him a sandbox where he can dig. Then bury some favorite toys and watch him have fun digging them out.

Now that you know how to properly train your pooch, you'll rest easy knowing he won't be going after your favorite pair of shoes or ruining your flower beds! LOL! With a little love and lots of patience, you'll get Fido to be on his best behavior going forward!

Learn more bad doggy behaviors and how to stop them by visiting Pets WebMD.

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