4 Reasons a Doggie is Likely Staring at Their Owner…

Amy illustration

We're all pretty familiar with this right? At times, our beloved pooches run on over to us and stare into our eyes intently without breaking concentration! LOL!

There's this look in their eyes that let you know that they're desperately trying to tell you something! It's just so funny, and you can't help but laugh sometimes!

What could they be trying to tell you? You might be too busy sometimes, or you might just have no idea why your pooch is staring and you're confused! LOL! I'm sure you know how it is! 😉

Well, we've found four reasons why your pooch may be staring at you!

Check out these amazing illustrations explaining why your pooch may be staring at you on the next page! You'll likely laugh and nod in agreement when you see these!

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