10 Dog Memes That Are SO Hilarious We Can’t Stop Laughing

beware of pug blackmail

Here we go. Check out these memes of some beautiful dogs telling us what they really think about any given situation! As the first image of a hilarious pug reminds us, you better beware of pug blackmail if you mess this this doggy! Hehe!

Beware of pug blackmail.

beware of pug blackmail

Via Babble

Begs you to throw toy. Puts up a fight when you try to take it.

dog begging meme

He's behind me, isn't he?

funny pug meme

I did the math. We can't afford the cat.

dog doesn't want a cat meme

I don't always bark at night. But when I do, it's for no reason.

dog sitting on sofa meme

This is wrong — I'm actually 14.

dog birthday meme

Wait a second…I don't think this is the park at all…

dog sitting on a desk meme

Last time I played outside, the humans sent me to the dog house for tracking dirt all over the kitchen. This time, I'm takin' a bath before I go home! My humans are gonna be so proud of me!

dog taking a mud bath meme

One day you will reach the handle, and can both go out to pee.

dog and baby meme

So, your owner made you fetch the ball, but they actually never threw it? I'd say you have a strong case for fraud.

lawyer dog meme

Now, how can these pictures not make you laugh?! We are still giggling at some of the silliness.

We are especially fond of the sweet pooch who decided to take a bath! Especially since the last time he was outside he came inside and tracked dirt all over the house — and his owners were quite upset. Little does he know in his hilarious meme above; he is “washing off” in mud! Nope, I don't think that will work Fido! LOL! To check out more funny dog memes, visit Dog Time.

Cuteness personified! Out of all of the dog memes, which ones are your favorite?

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