What You May be Doing That’s Unintentionally Breaking Your Dog’s Heart

sad pug puppy

As each day passes, you are performing tasks that are unintentionally messing with your pooch's emotions. You don't mean to, but you can't help it because that's what you were taught to do by someone else, or that's what you're in the habit of doing.

Unfortunately no matter how hard you try to be the picture perfect dog mom, your human errors will catch up to you, in resulting in a confused doggy.

As an example, you may take your precious pooch out for her bathroom break and recognize she's taking too much time sniffing the flowers. So you get upset with her because you're late for work. Now, is it your dog's fault for taking her time smelling everything in sight or yours because you didn't take the time to teach her that potty time is only for going to the bathroom and that sniffing the flowers is reserved for walking and fun time?

Think about it. If you continue these habits without realizing it then over time, it becomes even harder to change an activity or action. 

So… is your dog being “naughty,” or are you unintentionally teaching her bad habits? It's about time you made up your mind to stop inadvertently breaking your dog's heart. Luckily we have just the steps you should take to make that happen.

After the break, read about seven common doggy-parenting “mistakes” you can avoid going forward, starting with a command you may have heard of: “Go to your room!” 

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