(VIDEO) This Pug Wants to Eat Dinner NOW. What He Does to Show Dad Who’s Boss? OMG!

Bandit the Pug wants food

You know how it is when you get hungry. You may get grumpy with your significant other and may even be prone to saying things you don't mean. Does that sound about right?

Well, dogs can get grumpy too when they are hungry and it's time to eat. In fact, many have an internal time clock and know exactly what time it is. It's time for food!

This Pug is hungry and it's not yet time for him to eat, but he doesn't care. He's determined to eat and he wants to eat now! So what does he do? You're never going to believe it!

After first this Pug tries barking at his Dad. However, Dad doesn't seem that impressed with Bandit the Pug's barks. He tells him that he has to wait to eat, but that doesn't go over with Bandit very well. He actually gets even more mad! LOL!

Bandit has to figure out something pronto to get his Dad's attention and so he does just that.

Find out what this Pug does to his Dad to get his point across on the video after the break — you won't be expecting this! It's too funny!

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