If you’ve ever bought your pet a new toy or treat and were a little disappointed when they seemed less than thrilled with the offering you are not alone. We’re sure the pooch is grateful because it came from his Mommy or Daddy but there are just times when there is no connection.
However, there are times – as most of us know – when our dogs jump up and down are positively thrilled with their new gift! The dog simply cannot contain the enthusiasm and it is always a hoot to see them play, knowing we brought great joy into their lives.
Over on the next page, we have a Golden Retriever puppy that is not just happy with his gift, a new dog bed, but giddy. You must watch as he bounces up and down and frolics with abandonment – then watch as the kitten in the house does the same thing!
It’s amazing and, trust us, you cannot miss it!
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