(VIDEO) Pugs Get Introduced to a Pug Dishtowel in the Kitchen. Now Watch to See How They Voice Their Dismay…

pugs vs towel

Imposter! Get out! There's an imposter in the kitchen! LOL!

These pugs go wild when they're introduced to their mommy's new pug kitchen towel. How does it stay on the oven handle? Why is their mom petting that traitor? Who is this new pug? Why won't it move? LOL!

All of these things must be going through these Pugs' minds. You just need to see how they react! If only they understood that it's just a dish towel and not an enemy. Will they eventually make amends and accept the new Pug addition? You'll have to watch and see!

What do these Pugs do when they see a Pug dish towel in their kitchen? It's all on the next page!

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