(Video) Pug is Sleeping Away When Mom Puts a Treat Near By. Now Keep Eyes on His Head – Wow!



Who says canines cannot have Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)? It’s been proven!

We have heard wonderful stories about dogs perceiving something in a near mystical level, knowing something is not quite right, and suddenly waking up the household when they are sleeping. Later the family learns their best friend knew there was a gas leak and his ESP or special doggy nose saved their lives!

Then, of course, there are those instances when a dog will actually pin point an inflicted person’s ailment and, once taken to the doctor, the person learns of heart-disease or any number of other disorders!

Now, what we have to show you on the next page may pale by comparison but it just goes to show that even a pug pooch who is fast asleep can pick up on something, a vibe or a smell, that his unconscious mind tells him is there, waiting for him to discover!

Go on over and look what happens when Mom puts a treat by her pup’s head!

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