Uncovering the Truth About Chocolate Poisoning – What You Need to Know

pug eating white chocolate

Worried about your doggy's health? Inform yourself about the dangers of chocolate for your pooch and help spread the word.

Theobromine is a toxic substance found in cocoa which can be deadly for dogs.

1. Dark chocolate: the enemy.

It’s simple…the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains and the more toxic it is for your dog.

2. Some breeds are more sensitive than others.

Brachycephalic breeds such as Boxers, pugs, English and French Bulldogs are sensitive to chocolate poisoning.

3. White chocolate isn’t toxic, but…

White chocolate is a special case because it doesn’t contain theobromine.

4. Even a square is too much.

It irritates their stomach and, in the long term, could cause an ulcer.

5. A single bar can be fatal for a small dog.

The risk of poisoning depends on the quantity of chocolate eaten and the size of the dog.

So put your chocolate bars as far away as possible from their nose and never give in to their pleas and begging.

Be the best doggy parent you can be! Now that you know the dangers of chocolate for your pup, make sure you keep those bars far away from him. He might be begging for that sweet treat but you'll be saving his life by refusing to give it to him!

Learn more facts about chocolate poisoning by visiting The Holidog Times.

10 thoughts on “Uncovering the Truth About Chocolate Poisoning – What You Need to Know

  1. My dog likes choc I just gv her a tiny bit but she’s likes when i chew gum and blow a bubble it’s funny she will come in real slow and grab the tip and she pulls and pulls it funny

  2. I have heard this. But I remember my childhood minature schnauzer(3) eating a 24 inch high chocolate easter bunny while we were out. Covered in chocolate and shredded foil. He lived to be 18.

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